Facilities Use Policy

Approval to use the Old Town Museum facilities may be granted to the following:

  1. City of Old Town and Departments of the City
  2. The Old Town School Department
  3. Old Town and other local area nonprofit organizations
  4. Local organizations providing public services for the area
  5. Small private groups holding group meetings

Conditions for use of Museum Facilities
Any use of Museum Facilities by a non-Museum group (Group) must be consistent with the purpose of the Museum and abide by the following conditions:

  1. Museum schedule, public hours and events have schedule priority. Scheduling is on a first-come-first served basis and must be coordinated with Museum staff.
  2. Group is responsible for setup and take down of tables, chairs, etc. All Museum materials returned to their original position.
  3. Group is responsible for cleanup and garbage/trash removal at the end of their event.
  4. Group will arrange for a Museum board member to unlock facility and be present for the duration of the event.
  5. No open flames, including candles and oil lamps, are permitted at the Museum.
  6. Although a fee is not charged for the use of the Museum Facilities, the Group shall be responsible for all out-of-pocket costs associated with the use, and for any damage caused to the Museum Facilities or the the Museum collection.

For more information contact a Museum board member by email at oldtownmuseum@gmail.com.