The Old Town Museum is always looking for volunteers and any volunteer is welcome. Right now we especially need:
Data Entry Volunteers: We have two on-going database projects that each need data entry. One is our online catalog and the other is an internal database for Old Town military veterans from the Revolutionary War through the Vietnam Conflict. Data entry almost always requires a fair amount of double checking of available data and often a little bit of (on-line) historical and/or genealogical research (especially in the case of the military database). Some experience with data entry in an archival/museum context and with online genealogical research would be preferable. If necessary, training will be provided. Work has to be done at the Museum and we cannot provide a laptop or computer, so you will need to bring your own laptop.
Photographers: Our cataloging project involves the inclusion of photos of many of the items in our collection. Taking these pictures, however, takes time and we could use someone who is interested in doing just that. Other than some restrictions on their size and file format, there are no special requirements for these photos and most modern cell phones will do the job. Once a picture has been taken, we or the data entry volunteers can process it for display on our website.
Display Experts: Our displays are a constant work in progress and any help with the design of our displays would be deeply appreciated.
Web Content Experts: The content of our website needs work. We are not really interested in more visibility in the usual search engines, but we would like to have up-to-date and appealing content. This job would entail regularly reviewing and updating the content of our site through its WordPress interface. In consultation with the board, you would be free to modify the formatting of the site as well. All work can be done from home. Some experience with WordPress would be preferable.
For more information, please contact the Museum at or call 827-7256. You may also contact Eisso Atzema, the current vice-president of the Old Town Museum, at or call 646-309-3406.